Light, Shadow and Geometry

Project one for Design 111, focused on light, shadow and geometry. The project objective was to create an abstract composition through three dimensional modelling and drawing.

Focusing on balance, repetition and hierarchy, a cardboard and wire model was created. An abstract drawing was then produced by using the wire model and lighting to create shadows.

I chose this project as I enjoyed creating a drawing using the model and I thought this project was a really good introduction to Design 111 and what the course had to offer.

Process of Project One

This is the process of project one being created, I wanted the video to be very simple and chose to use still images to give the impression of going through the different steps.

Real Life Network..

For my real life network I decided to take shots of shopping, focussing on the idea of money and exchange, which is a huge worldwide network, passed on and changed between many people. Clothing is also a real life network as it is produced, imported and sold.

Networking within DESN 112

While lurking on other peoples blogs I found it really interesting to see personalities showing through in the choices of vlogs, images and customizing. Some blogs that I really liked, each one for individual reasons were ...

Links to Blogs
This is a cool blog which is based on interior and home decorating with lots of different, extravagant furniture, "how to" tips and latest fashion trends from the runway.
This is quite similar to the high fashion blog with home decor and before and after shots of DIY home decorating.
This is my favourite blog based on women's and men's fashion clothing and accessories, it is a link from the design blog which is also a good site but i prefer notcouture as it's purely based on fashion.